We support our international clients with complex, high value, solution based overseas  and foreign sales. 

At Semaphore Global we support organisations, businesses and government agencies worldwide with our  experience of international B2B, B2G and G2G business such as for Direct Commercial Sales (DCS) or for security assistance via Foreign Military Sales (FMS).

We support our international clients with complex, high value, solution based sales from C5ISR systems, to individual Soldier Systems, Medical Systems and Deployable Infrastructure based Operating Solutions for Expeditionary, Medical, Humanitarian, NGO operations.

Semaphore Global is an Authorised Representative of a U.S. Government approved contracting company, as such we are able to support Allied, Major Non-NATO Allies (MNNA) and partner nations to rapidly fill their military capability gaps by working together to specify equipment and access U.S. funding through U.S. Security Assistance Funding.